The Black Geek Documentary is a full-length documentary that will be focused on the History of Blerds and changing the perspective that Hollywood and the media have created. Curated and told by Geekset – The only place that blends Hip-Hop Culture & Geek Culture together in one place.
Forbes Magazine Article –
Not only have we lived within this culture from its inception, but for the past 6 years, we’ve curated, spoke to, amplified and added to the culture in many ways, from podcasting, interviewing our heroes, covering conventions and news, and just being present to support other creators, Blerds, writers, editors, animators, directors, etc. We would love the opportunity to continue our work on a larger scale and present something to the culture, by the culture.
We’ve linked up with the amazingly talented director Brandon “Champ” Robinson of Imagination Upgraded & RedGradeTV [A Black-owned Streaming Service], who has offered to bring his talent to help bring our vision to light. Due to us not wanting to cut corners and wanting to present something that culture can be proud of, we need help!
With this funding, we will be able to film in a Black-Owned sound stage, hire top-tier Talent to interview for the documentary, hire a Black PR company to help get the word out, work with Black DP’s, Editors, Photographers & Blerd’s throughout the project. Our goal is to truly showcase Black Excellence in every step of the documentary and pay people what they deserve.
This is a passion project, but we believe it has the potential to be so much more.
Thank you for your time
Geekset (Deuces, Didge, Bacardi, King & Hollywood Trip)
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