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The Green Book
Duis mi velit, auctor vitae leo a, luctus congue dolor. Nullam at velit quis tortor malesuada ultrices vitae vitae lacus. Curabitur tortor purus, tempor in dignissim eget, convallis in lorem. Pellentesque non magna est. Sed sed mattis felis. Curabitur orci turpis, pharetra in tristique quis, luctus ut purus.
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Link – Pop culture media and fans who regularly flock to comic book conventions hit a bit of a snag in terms of live...
The Dream-Con schedule has been announced and Geekset holding a panel about our journey, the path, the discovery and a special 1st look official trailer. ...
TMJ4 News – Steph Connects – covers Geekset and their journey to bring Blerd Culture to the forefront with their podcast, documentary & more.
A Milwaukee podcast has a mission to establish a following of people that are proud recipients of a certain social label — Blerds, aka Black nerds. The...